Episode 1

Published on:

23rd Jul 2020

5km/10km the determinants of endurance performance

Check the latest Progress Theory podcast as @freddiereadhead and @thepricep set out their first challenge. In this episode: . • Freddie and Phil lay down the rules for the challenge. • Discuss the determinants of endurance performance. What makes some endurance runners better than others? • Introduce potential training zones based on understanding how the body utilises different energy systems. . Follow their journey as they train for this challenge. Want to improve your 5km and 10km? Get involved and join in.

Mentioned in this episode:

The Science of Hybrid Training

It was originally thought that you could not effectively train for both strength and endurance at the same time because they required different adaptations which were not compatible with each other. It was claimed that ‘an interference effect’, blunted the adaptations for strength if you simultaneously trained for endurance. However, recent developments in sports which require both strength and endurance have really challenged this idea, with hybrid athletes producing impressive performances in both strength and endurance sports together. This had led scientists, coaches, and athletes to rethink what is humanly possible and suggests the interference effect is not as influential as originally thought. But what is a hybrid athlete? What is the ‘interference effect’? And how can we maximize our training to improve at the same time our strength and endurance performance? In this book, Dr Phil Price provides insight into the misconceptions surrounding strength and endurance training by distilling the past 50 years of research and drawing on the conversations he had with great scientists, coaches, and athletes on The Progress Theory podcast. This book is essential reading for hybrid athletes and coaches who are looking to understand the key training variables and their effect on the simultaneous development of strength and endurance performance.


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About the Podcast

The Progress Theory
Implementing Sport Science To Optimise Human Performance
Welcome to The Progress Theory.

Our purpose is to teach and discuss scientific principles to show how we can enhance and optimise human performance.

We will deliver you interviews with world-class experts (or legends as we prefer to call them), exciting real-world application of Sport Science and will explore some of the common myths and misconceptions in Health & Wellbeing.

We want all of our listeners to develop the skills to implement the knowledge they obtain from the show into their everyday lives.

These skills can be applied towards improving sporting performance and conquering physical challenges, or it can be in developing a better quality of life.